The third event of the year is at Rookery Park where all golfers will be competing for the Autumn Trophy during the morning 18 holes of individual stableford, with the afternoon being a team competition.  The day also sees the culmination of The Golfer of the Year competition which will be the golfer with the highest aggregate stableford points over the three SNOGS events.  The price for the day is £48.00 and includes midday and evening meals (the price is not reduced if you are unable to attend the meal).  If you are a member of Rookery Park the price is £25.  Please specify whether any vegetarian meals are required or any other special dietary requirements so arrangements can be made.  There is a maximum of 40 places (playing in 4 balls).  Please see the email from Peter and fully complete the blue section for yourself and any playing partners confirming that the appropriate funds have been transferred to the S.N.O.G.S. Bank Account, details of which are on the email, and respond by email.